The Sacramento Bee reported in an article on Sunday, August 19, 2013 on a new study linking exposure of bisphenol A (BPA) to fetuses of pregnant rhesus macaque monkeys with increased risk of developing asthma and developmental failures in ovaries. In the study carried out by scientist at the National Primate Research Center at UC Davis, pregnant rhesus macaque monkeys received an implant providing them with constant blood levels of BPA during the third trimester. This period of primate pregnancy is considered a critical window of development. Samples taken from exposed fetuses displayed genetic signs leading to an acceleration of the development of mucus-secretion cells in lung airways, which are associated with airways diseases like asthma. Additionally, BPA exposure was also related to lowered numbers of eggs in fetus ovaries. Individual differences were found, however, whether lungs or ovaries were most affected by the exposure to BPA.

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The Sacramento Bee
