Plastic use and exposure to estrogenic chemicals

U.S. pilot study asks participants to reduce plastic use related to food purchase, preparation, storage; blood samples indicate decrease in total estrogenic activity after changing plastic use behavior

NGOs push for EU strategy on EDCs

EDC-free Europe coalition urges EU Commission to update its strategy on endocrine disruptors

Chemicals in marine plastics as persistent pollutants

Publication by working group of Regional Centers of the Stockholm and Basel Conventions views marine plastics litter and its chemical components as persistent pollutants, calls for immediate preventive measures to reduce plastics pollution

EDC criteria for pesticides adopted

EU Commission officially adopts revised EDC criteria for plant protection products; practical application guidance to be finalized in summer 2018; consumer organization wants EDC criteria to go ‘beyond’ biocides and pesticides

Endocrine effects of parabens

Scientists review evidence on paraben preservatives acting as estrogenic endocrine disruptors; certain effects observed in animals not confirmed in humans; studies on parabens’ effects on immune and nervous system lacking

Restaurant food likely source of phthalate exposure

New study evaluates NHANES data and finds link between food consumption at restaurants, cafeterias, fast-food outlets and increased urinary phthalate levels

Implementation of EDC criteria for biocides

EU biocides authorities settle how criteria to identify endocrine disruptors for biocides will be realized; criteria to apply from June 7, 2018; ECHA and EFSA prepare final guidance document

Replacing hazardous chemicals with similarly toxic alternatives

New report by NGO CHEM Trust highlights necessity to regulate groups of similar chemicals to avoid regrettable substitutions, illustrates replacement of BPA with BPS and other analogues as example

EU Parliament consults with EDC experts

EU Parliament’s committees on petitions and environment hold hearing with experts from EU and national regulatory agencies, academia, civil society on impact of endocrine disruptors on public health and environment

DEHP and male reproductive health

New research finds reproductive abnormalities in male mice prenatally exposed to DEHP and their succeeding generations; 3rd generation effects most pronounced at lowest exposure dose