Performance of FCNs assessed

U.S. FDA reviewed the first decade of the Food Contact Notification program

France bans BPA

Second phase of the BPA ban includes all packaging, containers and utensils coming into contact with food

Denmark surveys hazardous substances in plastics

Danish EPA identifies 132 problematic substances or substance groups in plastic products

Sweden comments on EDC criteria

The Swedish Chemicals Agency responded to the Commission’s proposal on criteria to identify EDCs

Emission of PFCAs from heated kitchenware and consumer products

New study shows perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids to be emitted from heated polytetrafluoroethylene surfaces, emission increases with temperature

Phthalate metabolites detected in Chinese school children

Cumulative risks from exposure to multiple phthalates higher for children in manufacturing-intensive locations

New JRC resource for predictive toxicology

JRC’s EU Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing launches a genotoxicity and carcinogenicity database

ChemSec concerned about changes to the REACH authorization process

Changes proposed by the EC to the authorization process might jeopardize intentions of REACH

Europe: efforts towards harmonized human biomonitoring

New study reports on the first Europe-wide biomonitoring project in 17 countries

BPA-free thermoplastic resins can release estrogenic chemicals

BPA-free thermoplastic resins evaluated for estrogenic activity, four out of 14 resins released estrogenic chemicals