News Article

Recycling of black plastics

UK plastics producer, retailers, recycler collaborate to recycle black PET trays from mixed waste household collection into new food grade packaging

News Article

Wrap: packaging encourages household food waste

UK civil society organization Wrap finds selling produce without plastic packaging and date labels would save 100,000 tons food and 10,300 tons plastic in UK yearly; fruits and vegetables studied have the same shelf life without packaging; packaging sizes encourage overconsumption; date labeling encourages early disposal; Foodwatch petitions German government to ban plastic packaging for produce by 2026

News Article

Critical review discusses biobased plastics

Article evaluates pros, cons, and improvement potential of biobased polymers looking at production, end-of-life, environmental, and toxicological impacts; regards bioplastics as promising alternative but not without issues; emphasizes importance of considering economic, social, environmental, and legislative issues when scaling up biobased plastics

News Article

Beyond BPA – Many bisphenols migrate from food packaging

Four studies investigate bisphenol (BP) migration from food packaging and human health effects; demonstrate wide presence of 11 bisphenols in polystyrene take-out food containers from China, Canada, and Poland; report material quality influences BPA migration from polycarbonate cups; indicate higher BPA migration from lined cans than plastic packaging into meat based on probabilistic models; find bisphenols A, F, and S induce genotoxic effects and changes in human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) expression using human blood cells