News Article

Update: Foodwatch mineral oil petition

Foodwatch petition against mineral oils in food collects more than 100,000 signatures and is handed to EU Health Commissioner Andriukaitis; MOSH and MOAH contamination found in premium chocolates and doughnuts

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New and expanded UP Scorecard version released

Single-Use Material Decelerator (SUM’D) releases new version of food packaging assessment tool UP Scorecard; featuring expanded regionalization capabilities including Europe, functionality to add new customized containers, a simplified scoring system, and a streamlined presentation of results

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NORMAN-SLE – Open and FAIR suspect screening

Scientists publish creation and implementation details of The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN‑SLE); now openly available as a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) chemical information resource; includes 99 suspect lists and 100,000 substances; new submissions are welcome