News Article

Studies suggest food packaging as exposure source to organophosphate esters

Two groups of scientists analyze occurrence and migration of organophosphate esters (OPEs) from hundreds of Chinese plastic and paper food packaging; one study reports higher concentration of OPEs in plastics and migration of 15 out of 23 targeted OPEs; another study identifies presence of 42 and migration of 26 OPEs and identifies seven new compounds

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Toxicological and chemical profiling of plastic migrates

Scientific study investigates in vitro toxicity and composition of chemical mixtures migrating from everyday plastic products made of eight polymer types; demonstrates that thousands of chemicals can leach under realistic use conditions, including compounds toxic in vitro that contribute to human exposure; emphasizes the importance to rethink and redesign plastics to achieve safe materials

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Associations report European packaging recycling rates

Industry associations report recycling rates of packaging materials in Europe; average collection rate of glass bottles and jars hit 80% in 2020; paper packaging recycling over 80%; paper recycling rates close to theoretical maximum; plastic recycling has not increased despite increased demand by beverage companies; two-thirds of plastic-packaging pledges in Europe failed, supporting the change away from single-use likely necessary

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Biodegradable plastics may bring degradation and toxicity challenges, say scientists

In an opinion piece published in Waste Management scientists emphasize there is no universal biodegradability of plastics in any ecosystem; waste collection systems need adaptation and toxicity testing improvements; experimental study finds leachates of biodegradable plastic items affect mussel early embryo stages development and adult physiological parameters