Soil microbes eat biodegradable plastic

Swiss and Austrian researchers show that soil microorganisms fully metabolize biodegradable polymer polybutylene adipate terephthalate; European Bioplastics deems doubts about biodegradable plastics clarified

Renewable carbon for sustainable chemical industry

Position paper by nova-Institute highlights why chemical and plastics industry should switch to renewable carbon sources and illustrates how this could be achieved

Opinion: Unlearn how to waste plastics

Article by Environmental Health News discusses increasing challenge of plastic waste driven by economic pressure and growth; recycling and bioplastics deemed ‘simple solutions’ incapable of meeting problem’s scale

EU environment committee votes on plastics strategy

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee supports EU Commission’s overall plans for plastics in circular economy, suggests further measures on microplastics, single-use plastics, hazardous chemicals

UK retailer to phase out non-recyclable plastics by 2019

UK supermarket chain Tesco aims to ban non-recyclable plastic packaging by 2019, move towards closed loop system

Many unknowns about biodegradable plastics

New scientific review points out shortcomings in biodegradability standards for plastics; lack of toxicity testing; no account for effects of plastic additives, microplastics formation

What chemicals are in plastic packaging?

Research project on hazardous chemicals in plastic packaging identifies substances most hazardous for human health and environment; many knowledge gaps remain; first results presented at SETAC Europe

EU Parliament’s draft resolution on plastics

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee publishes draft resolution on EU strategy for plastics in circular economy; deadline for tabling amendments May 3, 2018

PEF production expected by 2023-2024

Company Synvina plans to operate commercial reference plant to produce FDCA, main building block for PEF, by 2023-2024

New material and packaging solutions for a circular economy

Ellen MacArthur Foundation reveals all winners of New Plastics Economy Innovations Prize; 11 innovators awarded for new recyclable and compostable material and packaging solutions