Post- and prenatal BPA exposure associated with BMI

CHAMACOS study links prenatal BPA exposure to lowered BMI and postnatal BPA exposure to increased BMI

BPA causes abnormal breast growth in mice

Study connects prenatal low dose exposure to BPA with abnormal breast growth in mice

New study: Chronic diseases caused by chemical exposures in great-grandmothers

Epigenetic mechanisms thought to be responsible for health effects in rat offspring after great-grandmothers were exposed to a chemical mixture during pregnancy

EFSA publishes report of member state meeting on BPA

EFSA made a full report of the EU Member State meeting on BPA in October available online

Study linking BPA to systemic complications causes heated debate

Study links BPA metabolite to biomarker of systemic stress and infers an association with chronic diseases

Maine, US to ban BPA from infant food packaging

The Board of Environmental Protection of Maine, US voted on a BPA ban from infant food packaging, the ban will now be voted on by the Legislature

Controversy about California’s intent to declare BPA a reproductive hazard

Listing BPA as a reproductive hazard would require warning signs on packaging, but only at high levels

ACC says BPA is safe for use in food contact materials

The American Chemistry Council responds to a new scientific study on the effects of BPA on thyroid function

BPA replacement also interferes with the endocrine system at low doses

New study shows that BPS, a BPA replacement, leads to cell proliferation at low doses and interferes with normal estradiol induced signaling pathways

Controversy about the safety of plastic food contact materials

A recently published review article by Korean researchers sparks a scientific debate on the safety of plastic food contact materials containing hormone active substances.