First results of EPA’s Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program

EPA releases screening results for 52 pesticide chemicals; American Chemistry Council applauds EPA on this accomplishment

Phthalates and phenols may alter placenta genes

New study links prenatal exposure to phthalates and phenols to altered gene expression in placenta of pregnant women

EDCs affect male genital and reproductive health

Two articles discuss potential effects of fetal EDC exposure on male genital development and reproductive health

German and Dutch TV report on EDCs

Endocrine disrupting chemicals are topic of two TV reports, lobbying influences on EU policy discussed, internal industry documents revealing delay tactics

ECHA: restriction proposal on BPA

The Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) of ECHA agrees to restrict BPA in thermal paper

BPA can alter parenting behavior in mice

A new study finds that early exposure to BPA reduces parental care in mice

Conference on EDCs in the European Union

EU Commission holds public conference on endocrine disrupting chemicals regulation, shares information on impact assessment and next steps

Third roundtable meeting on endocrine disruptors

EDC roadmap, impact assessment, public consultation and on-going studies discussed by members of the European Commission and Parliament

EFSA re-publishes scientific opinion on perchlorate in food

EFSA re-assesses dietary exposure to perchlorate; overall conclusions from 2014 not affected

EU Commission’s 2nd round table meeting on EDCs

First results of EDC screening expected by autumn 2015; entire impact assessment to be finalized in 2016