P&P: Plastics track

Plastics track of Smithers Pira 2016 conference “Plastics & Paper in contact with foodstuffs” covers developments in sorting and recycling techniques, bioplastics, migration analysis, risk assessment of NIAS, and FCM packaging compliance

Two perspectives on Adverse Outcome Pathways

PAN Europe warns of using Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) as prediction tool; ECETOC sees AOP’s potential in assessing EDCs

Towards a non-toxic future

Danish Ministry holds expert stakeholder workshop to discuss chemical policy; presentations available online; recommendations made for EU Commission

ILSI NA workshop on FCMs

Videos of presentations and panel discussions held at ILSI North America workshop on safety evaluation of FCMs in September 2016 are now available online

EPA announces 10 chemicals under evaluation

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency publishes first list of chemicals to be assessed under the modernized Toxic Substances Control Act; 8 of 10 chemicals have history of use in food contact materials

EFSA: Sharing models and tools

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) provides public access to its scientific models and tools through the Knowledge Junction community and Statistical Models platform; aims at ‘improving transparency, reproducibility and evidence reuse’

EU Member States to risk-assess 117 substances in 2017-2019

ECHA and EU Member States propose list of 117 substances to be evaluated for risk to human health and environment; list features 4 substances relevant for FCMs

FPF Workshop 2016: Circular economy challenges for FCMs

Podium discussion at Food Packaging Forum 2016 workshop highlights recycling, reuse and waste collection opportunities and challenges for food packaging in the circular economy

EFSA: consultation on MixTox project

European Food Safety Authority calls for stakeholder contributions to shaping its new project MixTox aiming to develop a harmonized methodology for risk assessment of chemical mixtures

EDCs’ burden of disease

Scientific study estimates the costs of EDC-caused disease and disability at >2% of U.S. gross domestic product; calls for improvements in EDC screening and proactive prevention; American Chemical Council criticizes study sharply