On January 18, 2017 the non-profit group Clean Production Action will host a webinar on the report “Who’s minding the store? — A report card on retailer actions to eliminate toxic chemicals,” published by the U.S. non-profit organization Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (SCHF) (FPF reported). The webinar will take an in-depth look at the methodology for the report card, including the 13 performing categories across which the retailers were scored, the alignment of the report card criteria with the Chemical Footprint Project (FPF reported), and the actual scores of the retailers. The co-authors of the report, Mike Schade and Mike Belliveau of SCHF, will give a presentation and answer questions. The webinar will take place at 08:00 pm Central European Time (CET) and registration is available online.

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Clean Production Action (2017). “Webinar: Who’s minding the store?