Epidemiological study links BPA to childhood asthma, but cannot confirm earlier findings

New study finds postnatal BPA exposure to be positively and prenatal exposure to be negatively associated with risk of wheezing in children

Warmer summer, higher BPA exposure

New study investigates the association between water consumption from PC dispensers and uBPA levels

FPF background article on bisphenol A

Bisphenol A is widely used in plastic consumer products, including food packaging. The FPF provides a summary of uses, toxicity and scientific controversy.

Improvements in BPA serum biomonitoring and differences in individual susceptibility

Scientists gathered at a NIEHS conference to discuss the latest scientific advances in BPA research

New study shows novel effects of low dose BPA exposures

Early life exposures to low doses of BPA studied in mice and linked to significant dose-dependent changes in animals’ biochemical response 

Discussion over the health risks arising from BPA substitute

New study finds BPS to disrupt hormone signaling in rat cell, discussion about BPA replacement increases

American Chemistry Council files lawsuits against California over BPA

American Chemistry Council responds to proposed listing of BPA as a reproductive toxin with a lawsuit

BPA ban in Washington enforced

Negative testing results lead legislators in Washington State to conclude that BPA ban is well enforced

New study highlights limits of personal choices aimed at reducing EDC exposure, contradicts previous research

Neither expert recommendations nor dietary intervention led to significant reduction in food-packaging derived EDC body burden, reports new US study. Regulatory action is called for to ensure food safety.

BPA exposure too low to have health effects

New study estimating BPA exposure to be safe raises opposing voices