News Article

EFSA updates HBCDDs risk assessment

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes update on risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs); results support conclusion that dietary exposure in EU not a health concern except for breastfed children; panel will consider mixture approach once risk assessments of all groups of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) updated

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Replacing phthalates in plastic packaging

Swedish non-governmental organization ChemSec publishes practical advice to business operators on why and how to replace phthalates, discusses alternatives, regrettable substitutions, and policy options

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ECHA’s CLH proposal on TBBPA open for consultation

Norway submits harmonized classification and labeling (CLH) proposal to European Chemical Agency (ECHA) for brominated flame retardant tetrabrombishpenol A (TBBPA); suggests adding classification of being possibly carcinogenic following rodent studies providing evidence; proposal still open for comments until January 29, 2021

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Study detects PFAS across US fast food restaurant packaging

Mind the Store campaign and Toxic-Free Future collect and test 29 food packaging samples from 6 US fast food chains for fluorine levels; find that burger wrappers and containers from McDonald’s and Burger King likely treated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); paper bags used for French fries and deserts have consistently high fluorine levels