Six classes challenge

Science editorial presents the “Six classes challenge” – a campaign calling to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in products, focusing on entire classes rather than individual chemicals

Recommendations for BPA risk management

Dutch institute for public health (RIVM) releases second part of its BPA report; advises reconsidering the exposure limit values at EU level and rapidly implementing further exposure reduction measures

France: BPA proposed as SVHC

France declares intention of proposing BPA as a substance of very high concern by August 2016

Children’s exposure to EDCs

New study finds BPA, nonylphenol, phthalates, and parabens in American children’s urine; call for further research on EDC’s role in pediatric hormonal disorders

Obesogenic chemicals should be avoided

Exposure to obesogens during early life predisposes for life-long obesity and associated diseases; scientists call on doctors to inform patients on the risks and mitigation measures

Australians’ exposure to food packaging chemicals is low

Food standards agency of Australia and New Zealand tests foods and beverages for 30 packaging chemicals; half of chemicals detected at low levels (ppm/ppb) in tested samples

BPA classified as reproductive toxicant

European Commission’s REACH Committee adopts draft regulation classifying BPA as ‘toxic for reproduction’

Further research on BPS safety needed

The Washington Post interviews senior scientist about BPS effects on zebrafish embryo development; comparison to BPA shows that BPS is not necessarily safer

BPA and BPS impact embryonic development

New study demonstrates disruptive effects of BPA and BPS on embryonic development and reproductive system in zebrafish

Response to BPA roadmap

Health and Environment Alliance submits comments to Commission’s BPA roadmap, recommends banning all bisphenols with endocrine disrupting properties for FCMs