SusChem updates Sustainable Plastics Strategy Report

The European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry (SusChem) publishes an updated version of sustainable plastics report; discuss challenges, scope, technical readiness, and impact; many projects still in the pilot or research stage

Report advocates for improving chemical recycling LCAs

Rethink Plastic Alliance reviewing four commonly cited life cycle assessments (LCAs) on chemical recycling; report identifies undisclosed data, flawed assumptions, questionable accounting methods; suggests LCAs should not be used for public communication or as the basis for political decision making or investment decisions, should be improved to be “more independent,” “transparent,” “comprehensive”

CHEMTrust report reviews chemical recycling technologies

Investigates technologies within three categories for plastic recycling; identifies concerns regarding substantial energy use, waste plastic input quality, presence of hazardous chemicals; recommends lack of data transparency be urgently addressed before further investments are made

US government and stakeholders debate how to improve recycling

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets target national recycling rate of 50% by 2030; stakeholders identify recycling data gaps as key limitation; call for new national standards and legislation improving reporting, use of recycled content; upcoming changes in government administration create uncertainty

Review on mechanical recycling of plastic packaging

Article in peer-reviewed journal provides thorough overview of mechanical recycling processes by polymer, discusses chemical additives used; concludes mechanical recycling will remain most effective method to recycle plastics

C&EN examines perspectives on chemical recycling

Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) article reports on significant investments being made across the plastics supply chain to scale up chemical recycling technologies, growing skepticism from critics not convinced of the technologies’ viability and unwilling to support expanded use of plastics

Greenpeace report criticizes plastic-to-fuel technologies

Organization reviews current chemical recycling projects, finds less than half are plastic-to-plastic recycling, none likely to become viable; criticizes labeling waste- and plastic-to-fuel technologies as ‘chemical recycling’, describes it as misleading for governments, investors and the public

Plastics Circularity Multiplier online conference

Plastics Circularity Multiplier conference presenting Horizon 2020-funded circular economy projects to take place online on October 14-16, 2020; webinars free of charge, additional registration to open soon

GAIA report: ‘All talk and no recycling’

Global Initiative for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) report investigates chemical recycling projects in the US; advocates against plastic-to-fuel processes, rejects use of term ‘chemical recycling’ to describe them; American Chemistry Council (ACC) statement defends technology’s potential

Joint statement on effectively regulating chemical recycling

Non-governmental organizations including Zero Waste Europe publish 7 steps to legislate chemical recycling technology; call for harmonizing definitions, establishing methodology to calculate environmental, health, and climate impacts, limiting application to contaminated and degraded durable plastics only