Opinion: EDC decision matrix not suitable

CHEM Trust analyzes “option 4b” to identify EDCs as proposed by German risk assessment institute and considers method as not adequate to set EDC criteria

Effects of EDC-mixtures in children

EU research project EDC-MixRisk investigates effects of EDC-mixtures in children; aims to contribute to safe regulation of EDCs in the EU

Endocrine facts and figures

Endocrine Society presents facts and figures about endocrine diseases compiled from peer-reviewed publications and reviewed by experts

Report on EDC public consultation

DG SANTE publishes report on the public consultation on EDC criteria; respondents agree on need for definitive EU-wide EDC criteria

Effects of BPA and phthalates on fetal growth

New study finds correlation between prenatal exposure to two phthalate metabolites and certain fetal growth parameters; overall little evidence of associations of BPA or phthalate exposure with fetal growth

Effects of phthalate and nonylphenol exposure on development of adolescents

New study associates phthalate exposure with abdominal obesity, as well as delayed onset of puberty in boys

Webinar on endocrine disruptors

Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units host endocrine disruptor webinar on July 22, 2015; new scientific studies on EDC exposure and reproductive and pediatric health will be discussed

Scientific roundtable meeting on EDCs

The Pesticide Action Network Europe holds roundtable meeting on EDCs to strengthen the science in the debate to regulate EDCs in the EU

Screening method for toxic chemicals in food packaging

Research project at the National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, explores screening strategy for toxic chemicals in food packaging materials made from paper and board; endocrine disruptors detected and database built

Decision matrix for EDCs

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment proposes extended assessment criteria to identify endocrine disruptors under European regulation