EDC-MixRisk and EuroMix stakeholder workshop

Two EU funded research projects investigating chemical mixtures hold joint stakeholder workshop to present results, call for better consideration of mixtures in regulatory risk assessment and provide open-source tools for future research

EFSA publishes mixtures methodology

European Food Safety Authority launches guidance on assessment of ‘combined effects’ of chemical mixtures in food and feed

EFSA: Genotoxicity of mixtures

European Food Safety Authority publishes statement on genotoxicity assessment of chemical mixtures

Toxic effects of MOSH exposure

Dietary exposure of rats to mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons (MOSH) fractions similar to those accumulating in humans causes increase of liver and spleen weights; clinical significance needs further investigation

Science and practice of mixture assessment

Scientific means to assess chemical mixtures are available, but regulatory application lags behind due to practical challenges and lack of legal mandates

Canada to update chemicals management

Canadian public health department opens public consultation to define ‘vulnerable populations,’ aims to improve chemicals management with future consultations on endocrine disruptors and mixture toxicity

New EFSA FCM working group: 1st meeting

EFSA’s CEP Panel working group on food contact materials holds 1st meeting; minutes now available online

Ames test insufficient for genotoxicity of FCMs

Scientists deem Ames test unsuitable as standalone method to evaluate genotoxicity of FCM migrates, suggest complementing it with chemical information

Risks of combined exposure to EDCs

Scientists use real-life exposure data to identify EDC mixtures associated with health outcomes, demonstrate that combined exposure to multiple EDCs results in effects not observed with single chemicals at similar levels

FCM analysis at BioDetectors conference 2018

11th BioDetectors conference addresses use of cell-based bioassays in food contact material safety analysis