Registration of polymers in REACH

NGO ChemSec argues that registering polymers under REACH is ‘overdue’; registration would provide vital information about polymers’ properties and use

U.S. authorities’, CHEM Trust’s recent efforts on PFAS

U.S. EPA submits proposals for significant new use rule for long-chain PFAS, additions to toxics release inventory; Connecticut PFAS task force publishes draft action plan, proposes to evaluate requiring disclosure of PFAS in products; CHEM Trust publishes briefing on PFAS calling for urgent action on the entire family of chemicals

Workshop on synergies between REACH and EU FCM laws

CHEM Trust organizes workshop in Brussels with EU governments and regulatory experts; discusses roles REACH data could have to support FCM safety, challenges of chemicals in non-harmonized FCMs; presentations and detailed minutes published to support ongoing discussions

Ireland developing single-use plastics ban

Minister announces potential strategy to ban range of single-use items, introduce fee for manufacturers that wrap foods in non-recyclable plastic, implement bottle deposit return scheme

EU moves forward with TiO2 carcinogen classification

EU Commission reported to soon propose classification of titanium dioxide in liquid and powder forms as category 2 carcinogen; EU Parliament and Council to have two months to review; will enter into force if no objections arise

ECHA proposal restricting N,N-dimethylformamide

European Chemicals Agency committees support proposal to restrict use of substance both alone and in mixtures with concentration of 0.3% or greater; public consultation on socio-economic analysis to begin soon, proposal expected to be adopted in December 2019

EU proposes to restrict diisocyanates

European Commission submits draft regulation to World Trade Organization; plans to restrict diisocyanates above a total concentration of 0.1% by weight in products; restriction to be adopted in December 2019, come into force 18 months later

EC’s meeting with European FCM industry

EU Commission presents ongoing work in FCM field to professional associations; amendments to recycling plastics regulation and specific measure on ‘glymo’ in preparation; authorization of recycling processes expected by Q3 2020; final publication of updated EFSA opinion on phthalates in FCMs expected soon

California legislature passes recycling bills

New bills require 50% recycled content in containers within deposit program by 2030; businesses to provide customers with recycling containers on their establishments; further bills to be discussed in 2020

Indonesia releases new food packaging regulations

Regulations have expanded scope and cover both new and recycled materials; annexes include lists of prohibited and authorized chemicals, migration limits, specifications for materials by food and beverage type; all products must be compliant by July 29, 2020