BPA in developing countries

Scientists review BPA exposure and regulation in developing countries; exposure comparable to developed countries; no BPA regulation in most developing countries

Loopholes in U.S. food additives regulation

U.S. Senator questions FDA’s oversight of food and beverage ingredients “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS)

Opinions: EDC criteria without potency cut-offs

Group of international scientists and non-profit organization speak out against including potency considerations in the criteria to identify EDCs on EU-level

DEHP recycling approved

European Commission’s REACH Committee gives green light for use of DEHP in recycled plastics

EU health policy platform

EU Commissioner speaks on chronic diseases and ways to prevent them; announces launch of EU health policy platform intended to enable a broad stakeholder dialogue

Phthalates: FDA considers ban

Group of 10 NGOs file food additive petition to U.S. FDA, requesting banning of 30 ortho-phthalates used as indirect food additives; FDA agrees to reconsider safety decisions

Scientific meeting on EDCs

German institute for risk assessment hosts closed expert meeting on endocrine disruptors; meeting results to be published in scientific journal

BPA warning label in California

State of California takes emergency action on BPA and proposes temporary uniform warning label for food cans and bottles as deadline for Prop65 compliance approaches

EU plans BPA update

European Commission plans to lower specific migration limit (SML) for BPA from food contact plastics; new SML shall also apply to varnishes and coatings used in FCMs

Intelligent packaging: Applications overview

Scientists review basic principles and market applications of intelligent food packaging; discuss the obstacles to a broader market penetration