Styrene concentrations in German and Italian refrigerated dairy products

Scientists assess styrene levels in polystyrene food packaging, migration into refrigerated dairy products, in 50% ethanol, as well as factors influencing migration; report styrene migration of 5 to 30 µg/kg food at the best before date; find food contact area, temperature and time rather than fat content influence styrene migration

Plastics policy in the UK needs clarity and reform

Greenpeace and Everyday Plastic publish results from voluntary plastic waste audit of nearly 100,000 UK homes; finds UK households throw away nearly 100 billion pieces of plastic a year, 83% of which is from food and drinks; waste organizations within the country ask for stronger policies and more clarity on existing goals

Studies detect microplastics in bottled and outdoor drinking water

Researchers analyzed microplastics presence in drinking waters; report 7 out of 9 best-selling bottled mineral waters in France contain microplastics; find widespread microplastics contamination of free drinking water refill kiosks across Mexico City

Plastics in a circular economy: research status, environmental leakage, food safety hazards

Recent studies perform semi-systematic review of published circular economy literature focusing on plastics over past 21 years, develop framework for plastics in circular economy; find Dutch food packaging plastic waste polluting oceans, question effectiveness of recycling; summarize chemical and microbial hazards related to circular food production systems

New research on chemical migration from plastic, paper, can coating, and reusables

Recent reports investigate whitening agents’ migration from disposable plastic containers; characterize 153 chemicals migrating from paper packaging and show estimated dietary exposure for children to per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) exceed safety threshold; detect brominated flame retardants in repeat-use food contact articles; review metal can coating literature concerning coatings types, chemical migrants, detection methods, dietary exposure, and regulatory

Plastics industry: EU market fragmented around SUPD

European plastics associations map Member State implementation of the EU single use plastics directive (SUPD) a year after it was supposed to go into effect

California passes strongest EPR and recycling legislation in the US

Plastic pollution prevention and packaging producer responsibility act requires all packaging in California be recyclable or compostable by 2032; plastic packaging production be reduced by 25%, and 65% of packaging be recycled after use

Studying phthalates: Linkage with dietary habits and molecular changes

Biomonitoring finds regular takeaway food consumption increases phthalate exposure; intervention study links plastic packaged hot soup consumption with increased phthalate exposure and changes in mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines; structural analysis suggests non-phthalate alternative plasticizers have potential for thyroid hormone disruption

European Commission: Current food contact materials regulation “sub-optimal”

European Commission (EC) publishes working document on review of whether the EU Food Contact Material Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004 is fit for purpose; finds regulation is “partly effective” but “overall, the efficiency… appears to be sub-optimal”; presents concerns including lack of specifics for materials other than plastics, non-intentionally added substances, supply chain transparency, oversight, and structure of risk assessments

Thailand publishes new standards for food contact plastics

Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) officially publishes standards for plastic utensils and microwaveable containers that come into contact with food; standards set migration limits for plastic food contact materials and defines how compliant packaging must be tested and marked; new standards effective January 3, 2023; improperly marked food contact articles will not be allowed on the market after the effective date