California details potential Chemicals of Concern

Californian ministry publishes candidate chemicals list, priority chemicals for alternatives to be selected by April 2014

Nature: Hormone disruptors reform in the dark

Science journal Nature reports on endocrine disruptor persistence in the environment, EDCs broken down by sunlight re-form at night

France closes public consultation on national EDC strategy

Public consultation closed on September 20, 2013

Panel on alternatives to chemicals of concern

US EPA seeks advice of National Academy of Sciences, panel to assess health and ecological risks of alternatives to chemicals of concern

New opinion may scare mothers-to-be

San Francisco Gate comments on American Congress of American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists report, few steps consumers can take to reduce exposure

Brominated flame retardants in European food contact materials

Black thermocups and kitchen utensils contaminated with brominated flame retardants from illicit recycling practices

Opinion: Styrofoam toxic to oceans

Japanese newspaper reports on Styrofoam debris in oceans, scientists find Styrofoam levels considered toxic to marine life and ecosystem globally

New FPF background article on nanomaterials

The application of nanomaterials is considered a promising tool in food contact material manufacture; the FPF summarizes applications, toxicity and regulation

Physicians to reduce patient chemical exposure

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists publishes opinion; physicians to advise patients on chemical risks and their reduction

Opinion: Phthalates to be phased-out

Consulting agency Jenner & Block publishes opinion piece, phthalates likely to be removed from consumer products