News Article

EFSA updates independence policy

EFSA publishes revised independence policy including new elements to avoid conflicts of interest; NGO remains critical of EFSA’s ties to food industry

News Article

Review finds plastic pollution qualifies as planetary boundary threat

Review in Environmental Science and Technology presents evidence that plastic pollution fulfills all three criteria necessary for consideration as a planetary boundary threat: global exposure, not easily reversible, creating hazards disrupting earth system processes; suggests research priorities to find extent of planetary boundary but states risk that “boundary threshold for environmental plastics could be crossed before it is known”

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What knowledge is missing to derive a microplastic threshold value?

Microplastic experts review mammalian in vivo effect studies and develop non-regulatory health-based screening level value for microplastics in drinking water; scientists provide research recommendations to better understand microplastic toxicity, effect levels, and potential health risks to humans and aquatic ecosystems; review discusses nanoplastics’ role in food allergy