BPA a risk factor for gut inflammation

Scientists observe BPA exposure in mice decreases anti-inflammatory metabolites produced by gut microbiota, worsens disease symptoms and mortality in disease model of induced colitis

BPA still in some Danish tomato cans

Danish Consumer Council finds BPA in 2 and BADGE in 4 out of 13 food can coatings; use of BPA in can coatings seemingly decreased since 2016

CEF Panel: 75th plenary meeting

EFSA’s CEF Panel discusses PET recycling processes, new mandate for evaluating food contact chemical, safety assessment of phthalates and BPA in FCMs at 75th plenary meeting, held June 5-7, 2018

Symposium on circular economy

University of Exeter and Ellen MacArthur Foundation host 2-day symposium on circular economy research and practice, discuss future challenges and innovation

Plastic industry questions regulation on BPA

American Chemistry Council and PlasticsEurope claim safety of BPA for food packaging based on draft CLARITY-BPA core study; many results of 2nd part of CLARITY-BPA still unpublished

UN: Is plastic pollution poisoning us?

Head of UN Environment discusses chemical migration from plastic food packaging, microplastic pollution, calls on people to ‘break up with single-use plastic’

EDCs impact neurodevelopment across generations

Scientists obtain epidemiological evidence demonstrating adverse effects of EDC exposure on neurodevelopment in humans across several generations

Sweden to propose BPA analogue as SVHC

Swedish Chemicals Agency will propose 4,4′-isobutylethylidenediphenol as substance of very high concern to avoid regrettable substitution of bisphenol A

France vs. EU: Ban on BPA in FCMs

Internal briefing document reveals EU Commission’s past intention for legal action against France’s ban of bisphenol A in food contact materials; Commission-internal disagreements put case on hold

RIVM: Dietary exposure to BPA ‘very limited’

Dutch institute for public health studies national population’s exposure to bisphenol A from food, finds total intake well below tolerable daily intake, shows no single food source contributes mainly to exposure