Plastic pollution a risk for business

NGO ClientEarth outlines four types of material business risks faced by companies that create plastic waste, urges companies to ensure these risks are properly dealt with

Waste wave

Large quantity of plastic marine debris washed ashore after storm in Dominican Republic

Debating environmental risks of microplastics

Scientists debate the urgency of research and actions on microplastics in the environment, present models to estimate accumulation of plastic debris and contaminants, assess risk of microplastics in the ocean

Life cycle analysis of marine litter

Industry-sponsored workshop brings together experts in marine biology and life cycle analysis for studying marine litter to select ‘best possible design and stewardship options’

EU environment committee votes on plastics strategy

EU Parliament’s Environment Committee supports EU Commission’s overall plans for plastics in circular economy, suggests further measures on microplastics, single-use plastics, hazardous chemicals

G7 charter on plastics

Canada, France, Germany, Italy, and UK sign plastics charter, commit to more recycling and reuse, recovery of all plastics, reduction of single-use plastics

Non-toxic chemicals are good for business

ChemSec discusses how hazardous substances can lead to costly business scandals and that substitution is necessary for a successful circular economy

Swiss litter report

Stop Plastic Pollution CH releases first nationwide study on plastic and other pollution in Swiss rivers and lakes; plastic items and cigarette butts most frequently found; call on Swiss government to follow EU plastics strategy

Mumbai bans single-use plastics

City of Mumbai enforces ban on plastic bags, cups, bottles and other single-use plastics; offenders punished with fines or jail time

Socio-economic analysis of persistent pollutants

DG GROWTH publishes report on persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) and very persistent, very bioaccumulative (vPvB) substances, detailing ‘stock pollution’ approach to socio-economic analysis of such substances subject to REACH authorization and restriction in the EU