UN: Is plastic pollution poisoning us?

Head of UN Environment discusses chemical migration from plastic food packaging, microplastic pollution, calls on people to ‘break up with single-use plastic’

UN: ‘Beat plastic pollution’

New report by UN Environment reviews global state of plastic pollution and counteracting measures, provides policy recommendations to reduce single-use plastics and improve waste management

Label for ‘plastic-free’ food packaging

Campaign group introduces product label for ‘plastic-free’ food and drink packaging; retailers Iceland and Ekoplaza, tea brand teapigs to adopt label

Proposal for EU directive on single-use plastics published

EU Commission releases proposal for EU directive on reducing marine litter; reduced consumption, market restrictions, redesign suggested for certain single-use plastic items; public consultation open until July 24, 2018

UK retailer to phase out non-recyclable plastics by 2019

UK supermarket chain Tesco aims to ban non-recyclable plastic packaging by 2019, move towards closed loop system

New initiative: Planet or plastic?

National Geographic launces initiative ‘Planet or Plastic?’ focusing on environmental impact of single-use plastics, releases dedicated June issue

First reactions to draft EU measure on single-use plastics

Industry and NGOs express mixed opinions on EU Commission’s draft proposal to reduce single-use plastics

ACC: All plastic packaging recycled or recovered by 2040

Plastics industry members of American Chemistry Council commit to ensuring that ‘100% of plastics packaging is re-used, recycled or recovered by 2040’

Draft EU directive on single-use plastics leaked

EU Commission’s draft proposal to reduce plastic pollution plans banning certain single-use plastic items, making producers pay for clean-up and recycling, requiring EU Member States to collect plastic bottles

Chemicals in marine plastics as persistent pollutants

Publication by working group of Regional Centers of the Stockholm and Basel Conventions views marine plastics litter and its chemical components as persistent pollutants, calls for immediate preventive measures to reduce plastics pollution