Webinar on SIN list

ChemSec hosts webinar explaining its SIN List on October 3, 2018; registration now open

Update: NGOs challenge final GRAS rule

U.S. court rules against FDA’s request to dismiss NGO-lawsuit on ‘generally recognized as safe’ rule

South Korea to prohibit BPA and phthalates in FCMs for children

South Korea notifies WTO of intended ban on bisphenol A, dibutyl phthalate, benzyl butyl phthalate in food contact materials for infants and young children

CLARITY-BPA webinars: Key messages

Carnegie Mellon University and FDA hold webinars on CLARITY-BPA academic research and guideline studies; FDA upholds importance of high-dose effects; academic researchers highlight significant low-dose effects

German packaging register online

Central German packaging register ‘LUCID’ launched; registration of packaged goods possible until January 1, 2019, when new German packaging law enters into force

BPA human study: Effects on insulin response

First experimental study in humans finds low-dose exposure to bisphenol A alters insulin response to oral and IV glucose, possibly increases diabetes 2 risk

Push to fully ban PFASs in the U.S.

Hearing at U.S. Congress discusses safe levels of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in drinking water and possible ban on the chemicals’ manufacture and use

Chemicals in plastics leaching into food

Article in Vox summarizes health concerns related to chemicals in plastic food packaging, discuss U.S. regulatory system, recommend actions to limit exposure

Opinion: FDA ‘rushing to judgement’ on BPA

Article in Environmental Health News discusses main goal of CLARITY-BPA program and U.S. FDA’s premature conclusions on BPA hazards

EU Parliament discusses plastics strategy and directive

European Parliament to vote on EU Commission’s plastics strategy on September 13, 2018; vote on single-use plastics directive planned for October 2018