Plastic bottles made from orange peel

Spanish industry-academia project aims to extract chemical building blocks from country’s orange peel waste for making bioplastic juice bottles

More evidence on hazard potential of BPA and BPS

Endocrine Society highlights 3 scientific studies investigating effects of bisphenol A and its common substitute bisphenol S on body weight, liver development, and breast cancer

Information on chemicals in products for clean circular economy

NGOs respond to EU Commission consultation on chemicals, products and waste in the circular economy; call for EU information system disclosing substances of concern in products

Competitive advantages of sustainable packaging

Opinion article highlights growing demand for sustainable packaging and opportunities for consumer packaged goods industry

PepsiCo to redesign packaging

PepsiCo joins program to boost recycling rates in the U.S., invests in redesigning its food packaging and using recoverable and recyclable materials

EPA speeds up review of new chemicals

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency eliminates backlog of over 600 new chemicals awaiting market approval, announces improved chemical review process and increased transparency

Surfactants linked to birth defects

New U.S. scientific study associates exposure to quaternary ammonium compounds with transgenerational birth defects in rodents

Costa Rica to ban single-use plastics

Costa Rican government commits to eliminating single-use plastic items by 2021; intends to promote biodegradable, water-soluble, and renewable materials

Evidence on BPA’s ubiquity and low-dose effects

New study reviews and substantiates ubiquitous occurrence of bisphenol A in the environment and adverse health effects from low-dose exposures to it

Chemical Footprint Project workshop

Chemical Footprint Project 2017 workshop to take place on December 7, 2017 in Boston, U.S.; registration now open