Prevalence and trends of diabetes in the U.S.

New study finds that about 50% of U.S. Americans had diabetes or pre-diabetes in 2011-2012; diabetes prevalence stabilizing since 2008

Nanomaterials regulation in different countries

New JRC-study reviews regulatory measures for nanotechnology in food and feed production in different countries; only EU and Switzerland have legally binding nano-specific provisions

Chemical composition of consumer products

Ensia article outlines efforts of U.S. states to demand information on chemicals of concern in consumer products from companies

ECHA report on risk assessment of nanomaterials

ECHA publishes extensive summary of scientific workshop on risk assessment of nanomaterials held on October 23-24, 2014 in Helsinki, Finland

Plastic particles in seabirds

New study predicts wide-reaching global impact of marine plastic debris on seabirds

‘Cocktails’ of endocrine disruptors

New study finds molecular mechanism likely to contribute to toxic ‘cocktail effect’ of EDC mixtures

Toxic chemicals in recycled materials

NGOs urge European Commission to ban recycling of materials containing toxic flame retardant DecaBDE, a chemical previously found in recycled plastic FCMs

New members for EC scientific committees

European Commission seeks new members for scientific committees (2016-2021); application deadline is November 2, 2015

Assessing alternatives to chemicals of concern

Frameworks for alternatives assessment reviewed in Environmental Health Perspectives

The chemistry of the future is green

Potential and problems of green chemistry discussed at conference hosted by The Guardian