BPA and migraines

News agency Mail reports on link between food contact substance and migraines, change in diet may reduce headache frequency and severity

Opinion: EFSA opinion on BPA not scientifically robust

NGO suggests guidance for the evaluation of peer-reviewed articles, criticizes scientific robustness of EFSA’s scientific opinions

Diabetes cases reach 382 million

Press agency Reuters reports on diabetes epidemic, expected rise of 55 % until 2035

Slovenian study finds BPA to affect sperm quality

New study finds BPA to affect sperm quality in couples seeking in vitro fertilization; findings not statistically significant

FCM substances ubiquitous in pubertal girls

Agence France-Presse reports on investigation of environmental causes of breast cancer; phthalates, BPA and pesticides found in all girls participating in study

New EU project on EDC alternatives

LIFE-EDESIA project to investigate alternatives to phthalates, bisphenols and parabens; kick-off meeting in October 2013

NGO lists dirty dozen of EDCs

Environmental Working Group publishes list of worst endocrine disruptors, recommendation on how to avoid them

ACC: No causal link between BPA and miscarriage

ACC publishes press release in response to study linking BPA to miscarriage, argues that study cannot establish causal link

EU Lunch on bias in the chemical regulatory process

Report finds EU Agency chemical review flawed, European MEP invites to lunch meeting on how to restore trust in chemical policy

Forbes: FCMs linked to fecundity problems, new safety laws to come?

Forbes reports on two studies linking BPA and plasticizers to reproductive problems, low dose testing may eventually modify safety tests and laws