Safe and Sustainable by Design: 1st EU stakeholder workshop

European Commission holds workshop with stakeholders to discuss criteria for chemicals that are Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD); implementation of EU’s Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) will depend on clear and implementable criteria for SSbD, amongst other central pillars such as essential use and generic risk assessment

Presence of chemicals of concern hinder plastic recycling

Report published by civil society organization ChemSec finds eliminating chemicals of concern from plastic waste crucial for upscaling plastic recycling, realizing circular economy; companies struggling to comply with chemical requirements; report recommends phasing out chemicals of concern from new products, may open up substantial market opportunities

European Parliament calls for reduced material use, better ecodesign

European Parliament approves report calling for European Commission to adopt binding targets and expanded EcoDesign Directive within Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP), aims to reduce overall consumption and material use; proposes solutions to problems of higher prices for recycled materials and low availably of high-quality recycled materials

Blueprint offers vision for US recycling sector

Recycling Leadership Council releases recycling blueprint, identifies role of US federal government in modernizing and standardizing recycling system; suggests three areas for political action: clearer data collection and reporting, nationwide standards and definitions, targeted investments in the recycling sector

Stakeholders discuss global plastic treaty

Friends of Europe hosts online debate bringing together stakeholder groups from industry, regulatory agencies, and NGOs; considers how to achieve a circular plastics economy, discusses the necessity of a global plastic treaty, prevention of plastic waste trade and illegal waste dumping, extended producer responsibility schemes (EPRs), need for unified EU plastic waste market; discussions build on report by European Environment Agency, case study by Zero Waste Europe and report by Ellen MacArthur Foundation

Canada Plastics Pact launched

Canada most recent country to launch a plastics pact within the Ellen Macarthur Foundation’s global initiative; aims to by 2025 achieve 100% reusable, recyclable, or compostable plastic packaging, 50% effective recycle or compost rate, minimum 30% recycled content

EEA report presents pathways toward circular plastics economy

European Environment Agency (EEA) publishes report on plastics, their impact on the environment and climate, and their place in an EU circular economy; three joint pathways for achieving necessary change identified based on smarter use, increased circularity, and renewable raw material

Recycling of aluminum cans in EU reaches 76 %

Europäischer Wirtschaftsdienst (EUWID) reports aluminum can recycling increases 2% in Europe compared to 2018, reaches 76% corresponding to 457 000 tonnes; highest recycling rate reported for Germany (99%)

EC report on biodegradable plastics in open environment

European Commission’s (EC) Scientific Advice Mechanism publishes evidence report and scientific opinion, discusses potential benefits and limitations of biodegradable plastics; finds no silver bullet for inappropriate waste management or plastic littering, only for specific applications; appropriate formulation, coherent testing and certification standards needed to realize full potential

FPF launches database on food brand and retailer packaging initiatives

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) releases global database of initiatives and commitments by food retailers and brands to voluntarily improve their food packaging; includes efforts to improve chemical safety and resource efficiency beyond legal requirements; currently contains over 250 unique companies and associations, will be regularly updated