China to ban single-use straws, plastic bags

Country’s National Development and Reform Commission announces ban of straws by 2020, non-degradable plastic bags by 2022, restaurant industry to reduce single-use plastic use by 2025

Nestlé investment to create market for recycled plastics

International food and beverage company to invest over 2 billion USD to source packaging from food-grade recycled plastics; aims to create market for recycled material, launch venture fund to support packaging innovation

Report surveys brands, retailers on plastic packaging shift

Green Alliance report surveys retailers and brands on shift away from plastic packaging, finds concerns surrounding potential impacts of alternative materials; calls made for increased transparency and standardization in assessing and communicating impacts, addressing throw-away society

Turkey updates food contact plastic regulations

Turkey publishes two notifications specifying food simulants for migration testing, authorized substances, migrations limits; aligns more closely with EU 10/2011 regulation, enters into force December 31, 2020

EU initiatives to implement single-use plastics directive

Law firm Keller and Heckman provide overview of current initiatives related to SUP directive; outline recent and ongoing public surveys to inform policy development, includes timeline of upcoming guidance documents and implementing acts; current public survey open online until January 10, 2020

U.S. plastic bottle recycling continues to decline in 2018

Report by Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) shows that U.S. postconsumer plastic bottle collection fell to 28.9% in 2018; exports of postconsumer bottles drop, fraction processed domestically at an all-time high

Brazil adopts positive list for plastic FCMs

New national legislation integrates positive list of additives for use in plastic food contact materials and polymeric coatings; aligns Brazil with Mercosur regulation GMC 39/19 introduced in July 2019

France’s single-use plastic ban scrutinized

French National Assembly votes to ban all single-use plastics by 2040; seen as ‘far too late’ by many environmental advocates, criticized as being not ambitious enough

Belgian plastics industry in the circular economy

Results from study find 54% increase in recycling of plastics in Belgium since 2006; identify that recycled plastics not fully used in new products; report provides tables and figures with mass flows of plastic waste sources and treatments

SVI annual conference 2020

Swiss Packaging Institute (SVI) to hold annual event on January 14, 2020; presentations will focus on packaging in the circular economy with a focus on plastic and paperboard packaging; registration open until December 15