JRC and EFSA reinforce collaboration

EU Joint Research Centre and EFSA hold workshop to discuss ongoing and future collaborations; common topics of interest include chemical mixtures, endocrine disruptors, and risk/hazard assessment of food-relevant chemicals

Pre-packaged organic produce

Foodwatch discusses common practice of pre-packaging organic produce in plastic; presents alternatives such as stickers, printing, laser marking

Forums on sustainability of plastics

Plasticity Forums to discuss sustainable end-of-life solutions for plastics on April 21 and May 9, 2017 in Texas and California, respectively; registration available online

Hazardous chemicals in the diet

Environmental Defense Fund blog post summarizes potentially dangerous chemicals present in food and food packaging; urges U.S. Congress and FDA to take action

FPF webinar on Chinese food contact regulation

Learn more about China’s updated legislation on food contact materials and additives with guest speaker from Chinese national reference laboratory for FCMs; registration now open

Public consultation on Swedish nano-registry

Swedish Chemicals Agency held public consultation on proposed register for nanomaterials; nano-industry association advises against Swedish registry and promotes ECHA nano-observatory

Separating cartons in recycling stream

Robotic system developed in U.S. pilot program separates food and beverage cartons from mixed recycling stream through artificial intelligence; promises to increase and improve carton recycling

Circular economy without hazardous chemicals

Opinion article discusses importance of ingredient transparency for safe consumer products in the circular economy; calls on European Commission to provide effective legal requirements

New draft of German mineral oil ordinance

German authorities publish draft ordinance restricting the migration of mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons; no limit for mineral oil saturated hydrocarbons included

EFSA: Activity report 2016

EFSA publishes annual report summarizing its work carried out in 2016; highlights include Strategy 2020, nearly 500 scientific outputs, reevaluation of BPA, more data access and stakeholder engagement