Recycling of PET thermoforms

Petcore Europe updates on recent challenges in recycling PET thermoforms; collection and sorting of PET packaging need improvement; packaging design is key for recycling

Registration of biocides in FCMs

ECHA requires registration of biocides in FCMs falling under the Biocidal Products Regulation by September 1, 2016

Seminar on FCM laws

Italian Packaging Institute and Keller & Heckman host seminar on FCM legislation on May 24-27, 2016 in Italy

Silk protein food coating

Researchers develop edible food coating made from fibroin protein; show potential for improved preservation of perishable foods

“Microwave-safe” food containers

TIME article addresses chemical migration from “microwave-safe” plastic containers into food and ways to reduce chemical exposure

Predicting endocrine disruptors

National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark develops QSAR models to predict chemicals potentially affecting thyroid hormones

Scientists reach consensus on EDCs

Scientists agree that potency should not be included in the EU’s criteria for EDCs; NGOs call on European Commission to adopt scientific consensus and release EDC criteria promptly

Food packaging chemicals in ToxCast

Scientists use ToxCast data to prioritize food-relevant chemicals for safety testing; identify obesity- and diabetes-related chemicals, and chemicals affecting growth and development; multiple food contact chemicals found to be active in ToxCast assays

Long-term migration from polyester coating

Scientists analyze long-term migration from polyester can coating, find hydrolysis of oligomers after long storage; modification of testing protocols suggested

EFSA: Non-monotonic dose response update

EFSA-commissioned review of non-monotonic dose response (NMDR) studies published; four substances relevant to food safety identified with potential for NMDR effects