JRC: definition of nanomaterial

Joint Research Centre publishes 2nd report on EC nanomaterial definition; details differences among definitions

Opinion: Legality of Belgian nano register questioned

Legal expert elucidates scope and proceedings of Belgian nano register; questions compatibility with EU law

Conflicts of interest: EU consumer safety

New research by non-profit campaign group investigates industry links of scientists advising the EU

Adverse Outcome Pathways: wiki-based tool goes live

A new wiki platform provides a widely accessible interface for rapid knowledge sharing

Facts and figures on BPA

Dutch Institute for Public Health and the Environment summarizes current knowledge on BPA; to inform decision on risk reduction measures

PET bottles: Chemical migration affected by storage conditions

New study shows that prolonged storage times and heat increase levels of BPA and antimony in water bottled in PET

European Ombudsman calls for TTIP transparency

Public consultation aims to increase transparency surrounding the EU-US trade talks

Harmonizing human and ecological risk assessment of mixtures

EFSA gathers international experts to debate exposures to chemical mixtures

Non-allergic asthma not well understood

Wall Street Journal reports on new study linking phthalate exposure to asthma; researchers slowly unveil the mechanisms of non-allergic asthma

Danish guidelines for nano inventory

Danish EPA publishes guidelines for nanoproduct manufacturers and importers