San Francisco: Plastic bottle ban approaching

San Francisco supervisors back ban of plastic bottles on public grounds

New findings on polyfluorinated compounds

German Institute of Risk Assessment discusses polyfluorinated compounds at conference

Project on the European exposome

New European Human Early-Life Exposome (HELIX) project to investigate prenatal environmental exposures and biomarkers of disease and child health outcomes

EFSA assesses another oxygen absorber

EFSA publishes opinion on sodium erythorbate, sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate, iron sulphate, activated carbon, cellulose, calcium hydroxide, calcium chloride and water sachets

Not all OECD test guidelines appropriate for nanomaterials

OECD publishes report on January 2013 expert meeting on ecotoxicology and environmental fate of nanomaterials, discusses appropriateness of OECD test guidelines for nanomaterials

BPA linked to breast cancer genesis?

Headlines & Global News reports on study linking BPA exposure to promotion of breast cancer growth, indications of a link to breast cancer genesis

“BPA free” may not equal safe

Center for Environmental Health research into sippy cups finds BPA-free cups with higher estrogenic activity

Freely available dataset for 3D in silico modeling

Freely available 3D database of food additives, first step towards a more efficient in silico screening of chemicals

DG SANCO stakeholder meeting on FCMs

European Commission holds working group meeting on food contact materials with stakeholders from Member States, industry and public interest.

EFSA addresses polymeric additive

EFSA considers ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer wax safe for food contact