News Article

Oligomers in PEF polyester

Scientists find ‘abundant’ oligomers in polyethylene furanoate, identify 20 circular and linear oligomer species sized <1000 Da; exact quantities of migrating oligomers to be determined in future investigations

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Food Packaging Forum: Workshop 2015

FPF holds annual workshop on October 8, 2015 in Zurich, Switzerland; addresses chemical safety aspects of food packaging and provides outlook on future developments

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Opinion: Walgreens should pull toxic products

Petition calls upon US drugstore chain to remove toxic chemicals from products, member of Montana Conservation Voters criticizes lacking chemicals policy

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EU and U.S. approaches to NIAS

Keller and Heckman article discusses existing regulations related to non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); compares EU and U.S. approaches, outlines risk assessment steps

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California creates 4-year microplastics strategy

California Ocean Protection Council (COPC) publishes unanimously-approved roadmap for state microplastics policy; includes 22 possible immediate actions to limit microplastics based on current knowledge and a 13-point research strategy to inform later actions; German government publishes report on the state of knowledge of microplastics pollution and options for action

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Applying the safe and sustainable by design framework

European Joint Research Centre (JRC) publishes document to guide designers and assessors through the application of the voluntary Safe and Sustainable by Design framework; describes the steps of the framework, how to define system, frequently asked questions, and suggestions for where to find more information; following framework does not guarantee EU regulatory compliance