FPF can coatings webinar: Video online

Food Packaging Forum held webinar on can coatings on February 7, 2017; video recording now available

FPF webinar on can coatings

Registration now open for Food Packaging Forum webinar on can coatings, February 7, 2017

Estrogenicity assessment of novel can coating

New scientific study describes absence of estrogenicity of tetramethyl bisphenol F, a monomer for novel can coatings; tests with can coating extracts support this finding

Bisphenols in coating of soda cans

Danish consumer council finds BPA, BPF and BADGE in coating lacquers of soda cans

Can coatings

Metal cans are coated to protect the cans from degrading due to chemical reactions with the food. Coatings also prevent unwanted chemical interactions in the food, caused by migrating metal ions. In this dossier, we provide information on different types of can coatings for direct food contact. Further, the toxicity and exposure assessment of chemicals migrating from can coatings, as well as the regulatory background, are also addressed.

Can coatings

Epoxy-based can coatings are currently being replaced by alternatives because of toxicological evidence, public discussions, and recent regulatory decisions. FPF article provides background information on the requirements, materials and properties of can coatings.

BPA and BADGE in coconut milk cans

Five Nordic consumer organizations find BPA and BADGE in coating lacquer of coconut milk cans, but BPF and BPS were not detected

Public forum on BPA-free cans

Berkeley Center for Green Chemistry holds public forum on alternatives for BPA-containing can linings; non-BPA epoxy material showing no endocrine activity presented

Belgium: Regulation on coatings

Belgium passes Royal Decree on varnishes and coatings intended to come into contact with foodstuffs

FPF Workshop 2016: Substitution and elimination of chemicals of concern

Experts from industry and academia explain fundamental concepts and legal background of chemical substitutions; discuss practical challenges in replacing chemicals of concern in food packaging materials