Scientific consensus on chemicals and obesity

International scientists release Uppsala consensus statement agreeing on potential impact of environmental contaminants on metabolism and obesity; call for urgent action to reduce chemical exposure

BPA in developing countries

Scientists review BPA exposure and regulation in developing countries; exposure comparable to developed countries; no BPA regulation in most developing countries

Low dose BPA effects

Animal study at National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark finds low doses of BPA affect body weight and behavior in female rats, as well as mammary gland growth and sperm count in male rats

BPA absorption in the mouth

Scientists compare internal levels and metabolism of BPA after gavage or diet administration; demonstrate significant buccal absorption of BPA from solid foods

Diabetes and chemicals

Role of chemicals in diabetes etiology not discussed in WHO Diabetes Day statements, despite existing scientific evidence; patient shares his story

Irish population not at risk from chemicals in food

Irish Food Safety Authority conducts total diet study and finds exposure of country’s population to chemical contaminants in food is low and not of health concern

Chemicals management: Focus on hazard

ChemSec revisits the “hazard vs. risk” debate in chemicals management; argues on the superiority of hazard-based approach

Reducing exposure to PFOA

Article informs about presence of PFOA in consumer products and highlights ways to reduce exposure from food contact materials

How to avoid toxic chemicals?

Silent Spring Institute launches mobile app helping users avoid toxic substances in everyday consumer products

Children’s exposure to EDCs

New study finds BPA, nonylphenol, phthalates, and parabens in American children’s urine; call for further research on EDC’s role in pediatric hormonal disorders