Combined phthalate exposure may exceed regulatory limit

New Danish study on exposure to phthalate mixtures, combined exposure in young men may occasionally exceed safe limit

Study ignores other risk factors for preterm births

ACC responds to study linking phthalate exposure to preterm births, criticizes exclusion of other risk factors and limited sample size

Mineral oils in oat flakes

German consumer magazine tests oat flakes for contaminants, finds flakes tainted with mineral oils

Phthalates linked to preterm births

New study finds significant association between phthalate exposure and premature births, France Agence-Presse recommends pregnant women to avoid phthalate exposure

FCM substances ubiquitous in pubertal girls

Agence France-Presse reports on investigation of environmental causes of breast cancer; phthalates, BPA and pesticides found in all girls participating in study

Webinar on EDCs and reproductive health

NGO hosts webinar on November 8, 2013, joined by U.S. NIEHS and renown endocrinologists

NHANES database may underestimate consumption

New study questions validity of important biomonitoring data collection, reported caloric intake does not correspond to physiologic features

New FCM database linked to toxicity data

EC meets FCM stakeholders: new Council of Europe list of FCM substances, web application to facilitate DoC reporting

ACC: No causal link between BPA and miscarriage

ACC publishes press release in response to study linking BPA to miscarriage, argues that study cannot establish causal link

Transgenerational effects and EDCs

Environmental Health Perspectives reports on transgenerational effects of EDCs, new NIEHS research to investigate mechanisms and number of chemicals involved