Uptake and internal distribution of PFAS

Scientists develop radiolabeling method to trace per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) uptake and distribution in mice; observe uptake in all organs, transport from mother to fetus across placenta; highest uptake in liver after tail vein administration, in lungs after oral gavage

Code Check on reducing exposure to hazardous food packaging chemicals

Article by product ingredient transparency app Code Check provides overview of some hazardous chemicals that can be present in food packaging; provides tips for reducing exposure

Upcoming webinars on chemicals, aging and disease

Collaborative on Health and the Environment to host webinars on phthalate exposure and aging, chemical mixtures and cancer; US National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) to host series of webinars on time lags between exposures and disease onset

Feedback requested for EU’s ‘Beating Cancer Plan’

European Commission opens feedback period on its upcoming ‘Beating Cancer Plan,’ targets improving cancer prevention in the EU; exposure to chemicals seen as relevant environmental risk factor to be addressed

Screw caps a source of microplastics

Scientists find increased release of microplastic particles after repeated open/close cycles in screw-cap plastic bottles, no release from bottle walls; call for more research on degradation of food contact plastics

Food packaging fact sheet now in 18 languages

Food Packaging Forum translates its fact sheet on food packaging and human health into 18 different languages, provides introductory overview of chemicals in food packaging; pdfs available for download in all languages

Scientists propose European exposure science strategy

Group of 22 scientists call for advancing and harmonizing application of exposure science in Europe, identify three key needs and propose six long-term activities to address them

Human exposure to BPA systematically underestimated

New study shows that different measurement methods lead to large discrepancies in BPA human body burdens; human population exposed to higher levels of BPA than estimated using standard method; human health risk of BPA likely underestimated

Phthalates in vinyl gloves

Study by NGO Ecology Center finds ortho-phthalates in vinyl gloves used to handle food, urges use of alternatives such as washed bare hands, polyethylene or nitrile gloves

Risk evaluation of RASFF notifications

EFSA proposes methodology for evaluating risks posed by food contaminants detected in RASFF, addresses toxicological properties and dietary exposure, develops Rapid Assessment of Contaminant Exposure (RACE) tool