Migration from bamboo-containing plastic FCMs

Scientists detect dozens of volatile and non-volatile substances migrating from ‘bamboo’ food packaging; melamine migration exceeding specific migration limit; conclude bamboo-melamine articles ‘a risk to consumer’s health,’ their promotion as biodegradable ‘a fraud to consumers’

Greenpeace report on reusables

Greenpeace launches report on reusables, argues that ‘reusables are doable’ also during the pandemic, which thus should not be used as an excuse to stick with throwaway plastics

US Plastics Pact launched

Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Plastics Pact network expands to include US Plastics Pact collaborative with over 60 signatories

Plastics Circularity Multiplier online conference

Plastics Circularity Multiplier conference presenting Horizon 2020-funded circular economy projects to take place online on October 14-16, 2020; webinars free of charge, additional registration to open soon

French order on food contact rubber

France publishes new Order on food contact rubber and pacifiers for infants and toddlers; updates lists of authorized substances, their specifications, restrictions; law enters into force on July 1, 2021

Bamboo in plastic FCMs not authorized in the EU

European Commission’s Working Group concludes that bamboo-based additives are not authorized per se for use in plastic food contact materials in the EU; business operators to explicitly demonstrate safety by migration testing; migration of melamine, formaldehyde of high concern; additional concerns about misleading labeling and advertising

EFSA guidance on epidemiological evidence use

Draft Scientific Opinion published by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) on how to appraise and use human health studies for EFSA’s scientific assessments; initially intended for internal use for testing, public consultation planned for later date

CNN reports: BPA linked to higher mortality risk

Mainstream media reporting on new scientific study linking increased human exposure to bisphenol A with increased risk for premature death 10 years later in US adults; recommendations on how to avoid or reduce exposure to hazardous chemical

How to regulate polymers?

Chemical Watch commentary addresses the nature of polymerization reactions, provides technical background information explaining the challenges in the registration of polymers under REACH

China calls for comments on food contact substances

China’s National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment solicits comments on new food contact substances and resins, expanded uses