Non-toxic chemicals are good for business

ChemSec discusses how hazardous substances can lead to costly business scandals and that substitution is necessary for a successful circular economy

Tray-to-tray PET recycling

4PET Recycling launches first tray-to-tray PET recycling line in the Netherlands; Petcore Europe welcomes initiative as step towards ‘circular PET’

Online retailers tackle dangerous products

Amazon, Alibaba, eBay, Rakuten France sign EU Commission’s ‘product safety pledge’ to remove dangerous products from sale more quickly; NGOs call for more specific action on hazardous chemicals

EFSA and JRC continue to collaborate

EFSA and EU Joint Research Centre reinforce cooperation in food and feed safety areas, including food contact materials

EU Environment Council wants safe water contact materials

EU environment ministers call for same level of safety for products in contact with drinking water as for materials in contact with food

ClientEarth: EU Commission delays decisions on chemicals

New study by ClientEarth finds that decisions by European Commission on use of substances of very high concern are ‘delayed unreasonably’ in most cases

Brazil: New regulations on cellulosic FCMs

Brazil sets new technical requirements for cellulosic food contact materials and containers; testing methods, migration limits, approved substances, restrictions defined

U.S. bill to ban phthalates in FCMs

U.S. Senate presented with a bill to ban ortho-phthalates in food contact materials, including food packaging

CEF Panel: 75th plenary meeting

EFSA’s CEF Panel discusses PET recycling processes, new mandate for evaluating food contact chemical, safety assessment of phthalates and BPA in FCMs at 75th plenary meeting, held June 5-7, 2018

Hearing on predictive toxicology roadmap

FDA holds public hearing on its predictive toxicology roadmap, September 12, 2018; registration open until August 29, 2018; comments accepted after hearing until October 12, 2018