Many unknowns about biodegradable plastics

New scientific review points out shortcomings in biodegradability standards for plastics; lack of toxicity testing; no account for effects of plastic additives, microplastics formation

France vs. EU: Ban on BPA in FCMs

Internal briefing document reveals EU Commission’s past intention for legal action against France’s ban of bisphenol A in food contact materials; Commission-internal disagreements put case on hold

Plastic use and exposure to estrogenic chemicals

U.S. pilot study asks participants to reduce plastic use related to food purchase, preparation, storage; blood samples indicate decrease in total estrogenic activity after changing plastic use behavior

France may ban titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food

French government proposes general ban on titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food products starting 2020

FPF Webinar: Brand owners tackle chemicals of concern

Register now for the Food Packaging Forum’s webinar on brand owners’ list of best practices regarding chemicals of concern in food packaging, to be held on June 11, 2018

What chemicals are in plastic packaging?

Research project on hazardous chemicals in plastic packaging identifies substances most hazardous for human health and environment; many knowledge gaps remain; first results presented at SETAC Europe

EFSA selects new scientific experts

EFSA publishes list of scientific experts for renewal of its scientific panels; CEF Panel to be replaced by new Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP)

South Africa to combat plastic pollution

South Africa announces new ‘Source to Sea’ initiative to fight plastic pollution, considers actions on microbeads and single-use plastics, plans to boost recycling and consumer awareness

Mechanical seals risk food contamination

Ensuring compliance of seals used in food production equipment is essential for food production safety

New initiative: Planet or plastic?

National Geographic launces initiative ‘Planet or Plastic?’ focusing on environmental impact of single-use plastics, releases dedicated June issue